With this beautiful spring weather we’re having at the moment, with the sun shining and all the flowers blooming, I feel like I want to dress to be in harmony with everything around me – in light, floaty materials and bright or delicate pastel colours.
I’ve actually noticed in my day-to-day life, that what I wear truly has an impact on how I feel, and how that, in turn, affects how productive or inspired I am and how energised and positive I feel. To me it seems a small thing sometimes, what I wear, especially when I’m not actually ‘going anywhere’. And to begin with I wouldn’t have directly connected what I wear with the way I feel mentally and emotionally. But I have noticed the positive affect dressing mindfully has on my day.
Some days I have felt so unmotivated or just generally lacking energy. Just really floppy. But by getting myself dressed and ready, even if I’m not going anywhere, even if it’s just for around the house, I have felt so much better and prepared for the day. Prepared to really seize the day and embrace it, instead of just getting through it. If I’m wanting to have a productive, successful, happy day then I want dress like a happy, successful person as well. Then there are also the days, like Sundays, which are just rest days. Days for relaxing and just being. And then, on those days, because I haven’t just worn them randomly throughout the week, I can deliberately wear my nice, soft comfy clothes. That somehow manages to already prepare me physically, emotionally and mentally for the fact that today is a rest day, a day for slowing down and unwinding. The same goes for when I’m exercising or dancing. If I’m wearing the proper “suit”, the proper clothes for working out and dancing, then I dance better! My performance and my motivation are noticeably better during everything I’m doing!
So I always try and remember this. Particularly on the days when I don’t feel like bothering, or I just want to look like a scruff bag and I don’t really care! I remember that what I wear and how I feel in what I’m wearing has a positive affect on me. I guess I’m also just aiming to be more conscious and mindful in all areas of my life. And since I’m taking the time in the morning to get dressed and do my hair etc. (and not just stay in my pyjamas!), I might as well do so mindfully and wear something which makes me feel happy and comfortable, which brings me joy and meaning, and which sets me up well for the rest of the day.
And anyway, you are worth spending a little extra time on in the morning ♡
Always dress like its the best day of your life. -Indigo Lane